Monday, December 1, 2008

Golden Gargoyles - The Chicago Booth Filmfest!

Golden Gargoyles is the student film fest at Chicago Booth which also marks the culmination and celebratory end of the LEAD module. As part of LEAD, the 1st year class is split up into 10 cohorts - over the course of the quarter, each cohort makes a short film about life at Chicago Booth with the help of fellow students, faculty... and even Dean Snyder!

These films are then evaluated by 2nd year LEAD facilitators and in a ceremony grander than the Oscars, the Golden Gargoyle awards for different categories are presented to winning cohorts. My favorite film is the one below - to catch the best scenes, fast forward to 2:16 in the video:

When the markets are down, well... humor helps! To check out other Golden Gargoyle videos, just search "Golden Gargoyles" on YouTube!

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